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at Home!

Lizard McGizzard Story Hour
(Part 1)

Howdy Wranglers!


Gather ‘round the fire (with at least 6 ft. of space around you!) for some rare and magical Ekone tales of Rock Creek Sally, as told by none other than our very own Lizard McGizzard!


McGizzard is ready to tell us many tales… this is just the beginning!


Tune in to the next episode of Lizard McGizzard Story Hour – coming at some unknown magical hour in the future… or maybe from the past?

What else do you want to know about Rock Creek Sally?

Thanks for your questions! Tune in next time to hear what Lizard McGizzard has to say...

Activity Prompt: Storytelling!


Think about the first time you came to Ekone (and if you haven’t been to Ekone yet, think about the first time you went someplace that became special to you!)


What did it feel like? Were you nervous? Excited? Homesick?  Take some time to describe how it felt. Do you ever feel emotions in your body? Sometimes people get flushed cheeks, or tense shoulders, or a uneasy tummy when they feel strong feelings. Think back on all the ways you can describe how you felt.


Then think about how your time unfolded. What started to change? Did you make a new friend? Discover a cool new place? Ride a pony for the first time? Accomplish a difficult task? How did those things feel?


And what happened at the end of your time here? What did it feel like to see your family again? What did it feel like to say goodbye? To drive away? To see your bedroom, or your pets, or your grandma after your time away? Did you learn anything new about yourself?



Then think about how you want to tell your story.
There are so many ways to tell stories! Here are some ideas, choose the one(s) that inspires you:

  • Write it down as a short story.

  • Illustrate it with drawings, collage, or photos.

  • Schedule a time with your family to have a McGizzard-style storytelling time.

  • Record yourself on your phone telling your story.

  • Write a poem or a song.




We want to hear your stories! 
Send in tall tales, artwork, or videos of your story hour to


And please leave your questions about Rock Creek Sally!
(Sometimes Lizard McGizzard needs a little help staying on track)
You can leave your questions in the submission box above.


Want to hear more stories?
Help keep McGizzard going by making a donation.
Click here to donate

We are so grateful for you!

Coming up!


Camp Season runs June 23- August 16. Come join us!

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