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Lizard McGizzard Story Hour
(Part 2)
Howdy Wranglers!
Welcome back 'round the fire (with at least 6 ft. of space around you!) for some more magical Ekone tales of Rock Creek Sally, as told by none other than our very own Lizard McGizzard!
This is the second episode in a series of tales about Rock Creek Sally… See the first episode here!
Find what happens to Sally, next time, with Lizard MicGizzard Story Hour!

Check out this stump castle made by Shawn! A little inspiration if you want to build a shelter on your solo.
Don't forget to fill out our survey!
Thank you to those of you who have already done so.
Remember, you'll be entered to get a granola care package, made by Chris! We'll pick a name by next Friday, May 22.
Click here to fill out the survey
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